Thursday, January 29, 2009

we have a baby!

Morgan Julianne was born this evening via c-section! She's 7 pounds, 3 ounces—only a half pound bigger than little Libby was when she was born. We're not sure how long she is yet. Mom went to the hospital to see her, while Pam is watching Casey. Mom is going to relieve Pam soon and watch Libby so the rest of us can go to the hospital. Here's the picture Matt sent via text message, I will take more photos and hopefully post them tonight or in the morning. Katie and Morgan are both doing fine. I can't wait to hold her!


Anonymous said...

Congrats to Katie and Matt!
— Doug, Sue & Gus

Susan said...

Hooray! Can't wait to see her!

Kathy said...

Please give Katie & Matt our best wishes and congratulations when you see them. How exciting!

Amanda said...

How wonderful! Our prayers are with Katie as she heals from the c-section. Love the name! Can't wait to meet Morgan in person...yay!!!!

Candy said...


We will see you in a few months.