Here are the other pictures from yesterday's ultrasound...
She was giving us some very dramatic hand on the forehead poses yesterday (oh, the drama). This one isn't as good as some that we saw live, but you get the idea.
Here's a shot of her face. I always think these are a little scary, but here she actually looks a little like a baby.
Another little tootsie shot. You can see her long toes and her big toe sticking out.
Also, our glider and bookshelf both came in this week, so her nursery is really coming together. It is so nice to be able to just sit in there and think about all the crazy things she's going to be doing in there someday...
The other tootsie shot was her left foot so now we have seen her right foot too! I find this so amazing as we didn't even know what we were going to have until delivery! I'm glad that the glider came in.
When we were just about finished with Katie's nursery -- and her chair (which was also back-ordered!) had finally come in -- I used to sit for the longest time, just rocking and imagining what the next few months would bring. The room really helps make it "real."
Great pictures, she is really growing. We are so happy for you guys.
I like the new baby bump picture and I like your new outfit. You are looking great.
Great outfit, Mama Sarah! Thanks!
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