Friday, April 18, 2008

i feel the earth move

We woke up around 5:45 this morning to an earthquake! The epicenter was in West Salem, IL, and it measured 5.2 on the Richter Scale. Neither of us was sleeping soundly, and I heard this tapping noise, then the bed started to shake. I said to Kevin, "Are we having an earthquake?" expecting him to think I was crazy, and he said he thought so too. The tremors lasted for about a minute. I don't think there was any damage around here, but apparently there was some in Louisville, and I heard people felt it as far away as Milwaukee. Bizarre!


Kathy said...

I saw that on the news this morining, but I never thought you would feel it that far away!!

Anonymous said...

We felt it here in St. Joe. I was up and busy packing the kids lunches and thought I was crazy but it woke up both Kraig and Casey. Casey thought I was shaking her bed trying to wake her up. Kraig said he thought he was dreaming. Luckily Chloe and Cayla slept through the whole thing. Kurt was at work and didn't feel it, the Cooper building is too big I guess. Love ya all, Christy