Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Holiday Hootenanny

If you're looking to waste a little time, here are a few fun links that people have pointed me to this week:
Line Rider lets you use your mouse to draw lines and curves and then send a hapless sledder cruising down your creation. (thanks Megan)
Scared of Santa Gallery features photos of kids who are terrified of Santa Claus. It's hilarious, and a few of the Santas frighten me, too. (thanks Doug)
Tree Decorating 101 shows what would happen if cats were enlisted to decorate and tend to the Christmas tree. (thanks Katie)


Kathy said...

I have to agree, some of those Santas are SCARY!!

Anonymous said...

How scary is THIS... As I was clicking through the photos, I saw one and thought, "That looks like 'our' Ho-Ho's chair!" Sure enough, the photo was taken at the Montgomery Mall here in PA.

sarah said...

That's a freaky coincidence considering there were only 69 photos!