Lilah had her 9-month check-up today, and she's growing like a weed! She's 18 pounds, 11 ounces (50th percentile), and 28 & 1/4 inches (75th percentile). (For comparison, Libby was 16 pounds and 27 inches as her 9-month visit.) She also has an ear infection, which is her fourth in less than 2 months (third in 4 weeks), so we got a referral to the ENT. That's scheduled for May 31st with the same doctor at Children's Hospital that did Libby's tubes. Looks like Lilah's headed down the same path, which is actually a relief, because these ear infections just make them miserable. Antibiotics knock out the infection but not the fluid, so that fluid just gets re-infected as soon as we stop the antibiotic.
Lilah's been a busy girl lately. I was filling out her baby book this weekend, and it seems like I was writing down "8 months" for every milestone.
• She has 2 bottom teeth and seems to be working on the upper ones from the way she's sucking on her lips, chewing on teething rings and drooling.
• She's eating three good solid meals and day, and loves Puffs for a snack. We're going to introduce some other finger foods very soon.
• She waves enthusiastically, especially at Daddy.
• She babbles "dadadadada" all the time, and "mamama" sometimes.
• She's crawling everywhere, although still with her belly on the ground.
• She can get in and out of a sitting position by herself.
• She can pull up to a standing position by herself, her new favorite activity!
She's delighted by Libby and all her dancing and silliness. They're starting to play together and it's awesome to hear them laughing together. She's also in love with Miss Kimmy, her primary caregiver at daycare. We recently found out Miss Kimmy babysits on the weekends, so we're going to have her watch the girls for us so we can go out soon, and hopefully make that a regular thing.
the kids are sooo cute!!!love the names for things "like long sleeve pants" two are so creative....great parents and darling are so lucky Deb
She's so stinkin' cute!
Lalah is growing so fast and doing so many things I am missing out on. Can't wait to spend time with the girls next month!
Wow, she went through a ton of changes since I was there in March! She is still adorable, though. :) Glad to hear you may be getting some relief on the ear front with her, too!
If she accomplished all that in her 8th month, just imagine how accomplished she'll be by 1 year. Watch out--she could start a hostile takeover of your house by age 3!
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cute little boy, I love it. I wait your presence on my blog
Raising a child is a big responsibility. In addition to these wonderful moments you have posted on your blog, I'm sure there must have been some scary moments over the past 9 months, too. I don't have the experience of being a father, but I do still have the hindsight of what I was like as young'in. When I was very little, I loved my mom and dad every second of every day. They were my everything, so enjoy that as much as you can.
I don't know why, but it seems that it is every child's destiny to break their parent's hearts. As I entered my teen years, I thought I knew it all. I was hot stuff. I didn't need them.
Important to rememeber though, that they really do need you, more than ever once they get older. We really do listen to what you guys say and tell us, but as kids, we won't tell you how much we appreciate it until at least 22. Until then, have patience, and love your kids!
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