Wednesday, February 17, 2010

libby is going to be a big sister!

waving to us

abdomen and head (the dots going up on the left-hand side are the umbilical cord)

obligatory creepy face shot (sorry baby!)

We want to officially announce that we're expecting Baby #2 August 21st, about a week before Libby's 2nd birthday (and 2 days before Libby's expected due date of August 23rd)! I'm 13 weeks pregnant and just started my second trimester. We've had a couple of ultrasounds, the most recent one at 11 weeks, and everything is looking good. The baby has a strong heartbeat (161 bpm), and we could see his/her little hand waving at us during the ultrasound. We'll find out whether it's a boy or a girl at 20 weeks, around the first of April.

Everyone keeps asking if we've told Libby yet, but I think she's too young to understand. She's recently starting mothering her baby dolls—kissing them, dancing with them, feeding them with their bottles and her sippy cups, wiping their noses—so all signs point to her being a very good big sister!

I'm posting our most recent ultrasound photos here. Feel free to share the good news, and we'll try our best to post updates here and on Facebook!


Meg said...

Hooray, Sarah! How exciting!

We're currently debating the whole "When is the right time to have a second baby/Do we even want a second baby" thing, so I'll be watching with interest to see how you navigate!!

Aunt Linda said...


Christy said...

WHOOT WHOOT!! Yeah another cousin for our kids!!! Casey saw the ultrasound pic that Kevin tweeted. She FREAKED out!! (in a good way) We gathered everyone else and told them the awesome news. Chloe and Cayla were litterally jumping up and down and screaming. They can't wait to go to school and tell their friends. If either of you need anything, let us know. We have been through this 4 times... not that we are experts or anything but I've learned a few things along the way. LOVE YOU GUYS!!!

Susan said...

I can't wait till the first week of April!