Grandma and Grandpa Whitman came for a visit with Libby this weekend. They brought their new Airstream camper down and stayed at Greg and Linda's house. Friday, they spent the day with Libby while Mommy and Daddy worked, then we had a cookout that night. Saturday, we grilled out fish and steak for lunch at Greg and Linda's. It was delicious, and their yard is beautiful. You can see some of the gorgeous landscaping in the photo of me and Kevin. Grandma and Grandpa headed home Saturday night, and we grilled out again. And again on Sunday! We even ate outside twice this weekend. Libby loves to be outside, so she was a little angel.
Libby wasn't feeling well earlier in the week, so I took her to the doctor and found out she had a virus causing blisters in her throat. She seems to be feeling fine now. We just gave her lots of Motrin and TLC. The only bummer is that we had to miss Gus's first birthday party on Sunday because she was still contagious.
She's doing new things almost every day again. Just this weekend, she started shaking her head "no," although she doesn't always use the gesture appropriately. She also started pointing and making a "duh" sound when we say "dog." She gets around so easily, moving from one thing to another on her feet, that I can't imagine she won't be walking soon. And she's eating so many things and loves to feed herself. She also took her first sips from a straw yesterday.
Kevin also hit the jackpot for Libby at a yard sale on Saturday. He got 40 items of clothing for her for $15, and a Mr. Turtle covered sandbox for $10! Most of the clothes are 18 months, which is the size we're guessing she'll be in next summer. We've been buying 12-month things for the winter when we find really great sales. She's just now squarely in 9 months, and she's still in some 6-month pants and onesies.